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HASU Sports Day📅 Who is going to win today??


A group of our Y7 and Y8 students visited the University of Roehampton yesterday for a workshop entitled “Powering Transformation”, hosted by the Talent Foundry and sponsored by Dell Technologies.#educationalvisit


We are excited to invite you to our Open Evening on Thursday, 11th July!Come and explore what makes HASU so special. Meet our dedicated staff, tour our facilities, and learn about the amazing opportunities we offer.⬇️⬆️#OpenEvening


Supporting our FINALIST at the Enterprise Challenge. The team worked incredibly hard formulating their brand of sauce. The judges were impressed by their brand, prototype & accompanying tortilla chips! Off to the final on 17th July 🤩🤩


Our newest HASU students look very happy during the lunch break. 😁All smiles, lots of chatting and making friendships.#year7


We are so excited to welcome our new Y7 students at HASU. Lots awaits them today during their Transition Day.


What a fantastic success for our students at London Youth Games! 👏🏓Very well done girls! You did amazingly well and we are very proud of your achievement!


VictoriasVoices Academy is coming to HASU.🎼🎶Book your space to get a vocal and performance training or visit the website to find out more about it.


I am deeply grateful to for giving me the opportunity to support and emcee at the UK Champs. It was an incredible experience, and I met so many passionate young people, teachers, mentors, and coaches along the way. It really is “ROBOTS!!” 🇬🇧


Feeling incredibly honoured and blessed to receive the Compass Award! 🧭 This award celebrates leadership, dedication, and the spirit of FIRST. I couldn’t have reached this milestone without the support of my amazing team colleagues, and the FIRST community


Super proud of HASU ROBOTICS UK 451 (22593) ending the day as Division Finalists Championship! Thank you to everyone who supported the team this season. Next stop watch this space 👀🏆🇬🇧


The 2023-2024 UK Championships Division Finalists HASU Robotics 451 (22593) “Hasuuuuuuuuuuu!” Next stop 🇬🇧🥇 watch this space 👀


Good luck to our team who are today at UK Champs ! 🍀


HASU Robotics Team UK 451 (22593) leaving the building ready to take on National Championships at Cambridge University. Watch this space 👀


St.Phil's UK-179 (21200) and HASU Robotics UK-451 (22593) online today with Legendary Referee talking all things robots! A massive Thank you to Andy.


St.Phil's UK-179 (21200) and HASU Robotics UK-451 (22593) in our Robotics Lab today! its more than robots.


Reading for


HASU ROBOTICS TEAM UK-451 Global 22593 Getting ready for Nationals 🇬🇧


HASU ROBOTICS Society unboxing banners and pull ups in preparation for Nationals 🇬🇧 We cant wait to welcome you to our Academy on one of our Open days. Make sure you come and say hi 📷


With thanks to and photographer Erroll Jones for our fancy official team photo 🤩🤩🤩

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Child on Child Abuse

What is child on child abuse?


Children can abuse other children (often referred to as peer on peer abuse) and it can take many forms. It can happen both inside and outside of school/college and online. This can include (but is not limited to):

  • bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying);
  • abuse within intimate partner relationships;
  • physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm;
  •  sexual violence and sexual harassment;
  • consensual and non-consensual sharing of nude and semi-nude images and/or videos;
  • causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party;
  • upskirting and initiation/hazing type violence and rituals


Child on child abuse involves someone who abuses a ‘vulnerability’ or power imbalance to harm another, and have the opportunity or be in an environment where this is possible. While perpetrators of child on child abuse pose a risk to others they are often victims of abuse themselves. It is influenced by the nature of the environments in which children/young people spend their time - home, school, peer group and community - and is built upon notions of power and consent. Power imbalances related to gender, social status within a group, intellectual ability, economic wealth, social marginalisation etc, can all be used to exert power over a child.


It can affect any child/young person, sometimes vulnerable children are targeted. For example:

  • Those living with domestic abuse or intra-familial abuse in their histories
  • Young people in care
  • Those who have experienced bereavement through the loss of a parent, sibling or friend
  • Black and minority ethnic children are under identified as victims but are over identified as perpetrators
  • Both girls and boys experience child on child abuse however they are likely to experience it differently i.e. girls being sexually touched/assaulted or boys being subject to homophobic taunts/initiation/hazing type (rituals and other activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group) violence.

Actions the school will take

The school deals with a wide continuum of children’s behaviour on a day to day basis and most cases will be dealt with via school based processes. These are outlined in the following policies:

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy

E-Safety Policy

Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Sex and Relationship Education Policy


The school will also act to minimise the risk of child on child abuse by ensuring the establishment provides a safe environment, promotes positive standards of behaviour, has effective systems in place where children can raise concerns and provides safeguarding through the curriculum via PSHE and other curriculum opportunities. This may include targeted work with children identified as vulnerable or being at risk and developing risk assessment and targeted work with those identified as being a potential risk to others.

Action on serious concerns

The school recognises that children may abuse other children physically, sexually and emotionally; this will not be tolerated or passed off as ‘banter’ or ‘part of growing up’. The school will take this as seriously as abuse perpetrated by an adult, and address it through the same processes as any safeguarding issue. We also recognise that children who abuse others are also likely to have considerable welfare and safeguarding issues themselves.

Child on child abuse may be a one off serious incident or an accumulation of incidents. Staff may be able to easily identify some behaviour/s as abusive however in some circumstances it may be less clear. In all cases the member of staff should discuss the concerns and seek advice from the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

Any suspicion or allegations that a child has been sexually abused or is likely to sexually abuse another child (or adult) should be referred immediately to Children’s Social Care and the Police.