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🤖📷 And our team is already working hard on their new ideas! What could their next challenge be? Stay tuned for updates! 💡🚀


After quiet summer, HASU is back to its usual laughter and positive energy all around. So lovely to see everyone back in our school routine, making friends and feeling happy. 🏫😄📷Check out some highlights from our week at HASU.#BackToSchool


Our students are on their way back from the Harris In Harmony rehearsals. 🎶🎹 We look forward to seeing them on the stage representing our academy!


2/2Our Sixth Formers also attend a yearly careers event ,learning about the future of cancer research.A big thanks for the lab equipment donations from old facilities, supporting our STEM journey!This aligns with Socius’ call for partnerships to make a lasting impact.


Last year, HASU students collaborated with artist-in-residence We’re thrilled to have our students at Harris Academy Sutton collaborate with and artist-in-residence Julie Light, gaining insights into science and innovation. 🎨🔬 1/2


🗒️➡️Please remember we have Staff INSET day tomorrow.⬅️We are looking forward to seeing our Years 7/11/12/13 on Tuesday morning and All our Year Groups back at HASU on Wednesday.See you soon! 🏫


Congratulations to our students receiving their GCSE results today! You have done an incredible job! Congratulations to you all!!👏💫


It's tomorrow!!🙌🥳🏣We are looking forward to seeing our students back at HASU on 22nd August to receive their GCSE results. Good luck! 🍀 You've got this!#resultsday2024


We are delighted with our first set of AS level results! Congratulations to the six HASU students who have achieved a Further Maths AS level qualification at the end of Year 12.👏#furthermaths


HASU Sports Day📅 Who is going to win today??


A group of our Y7 and Y8 students visited the University of Roehampton yesterday for a workshop entitled “Powering Transformation”, hosted by the Talent Foundry and sponsored by Dell Technologies.#educationalvisit


Supporting our FINALIST at the Enterprise Challenge. The team worked incredibly hard formulating their brand of sauce. The judges were impressed by their brand, prototype & accompanying tortilla chips! Off to the final on 17th July 🤩🤩


Our newest HASU students look very happy during the lunch break. 😁All smiles, lots of chatting and making friendships.#year7


We are so excited to welcome our new Y7 students at HASU. Lots awaits them today during their Transition Day.


What a fantastic success for our students at London Youth Games! 👏🏓Very well done girls! You did amazingly well and we are very proud of your achievement!


VictoriasVoices Academy is coming to HASU.🎼🎶Book your space to get a vocal and performance training or visit the website to find out more about it.


I am deeply grateful to for giving me the opportunity to support and emcee at the UK Champs. It was an incredible experience, and I met so many passionate young people, teachers, mentors, and coaches along the way. It really is “ROBOTS!!” 🇬🇧


Feeling incredibly honoured and blessed to receive the Compass Award! 🧭 This award celebrates leadership, dedication, and the spirit of FIRST. I couldn’t have reached this milestone without the support of my amazing team colleagues, and the FIRST community


Super proud of HASU ROBOTICS UK 451 (22593) ending the day as Division Finalists Championship! Thank you to everyone who supported the team this season. Next stop watch this space 👀🏆🇬🇧


The 2023-2024 UK Championships Division Finalists HASU Robotics 451 (22593) “Hasuuuuuuuuuuu!” Next stop 🇬🇧🥇 watch this space 👀

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















SEN & Disabilities


At Harris Academy Sutton, we have the highest of expectations for all our students, and every member of staff plays their part in ensuring that the needs of all students are met.

We take students’ individual educational needs very seriously. We understand that each young person is unique, and that for some additional support is needed to access all that a mainstream education has to offer. We implement an inclusive curriculum underpinned by high quality inclusive teaching, and we ensure that each learner receives the support and encouragement they need, in an environment in which they feel safe, nurtured and valued, to access that curriculum.

At HASU, we do not narrow the curriculum for students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We cater for a wide range of students, including those with physical disabilities, and our curriculum offer is designed so as to maximise the opportunities for all students to access it fully, no matter their individual barriers.

Who are the SEND Team?

Our SEND leadership team are:


Ms Conteh

MCO Thumbnail

Associate SENDCo

Ms Morgan


Overseeing member of the Academy leadership Group (ALG)

Ms Lawley

NLA thumbnail

The SEND team can be contacted by emailing:

If you have a concern about SEND provision in the Academy, we encourage you to contact the SENDCo in the first instance. Should you wish to speak to someone else, please contact Assistant Principal, Ms Lawley.

Sutton’s Local Offer

As a School in the London Borough of Sutton, we work closely with the borough and Cognus, the organisation commissioned by the borough to provide education services to mainstream schools and specialist education providers in Sutton. The Local Offer provides a range of resources and information about what you can access in the local area for children and young people with SEND in Sutton. . Visit the Sutton Information Hub to explore the Local Offer:


How can parents and carers communicate with the SEND team?

As outlined above, the team can be contacted by emailing

There are a wide range of opportunities for parents to liaise and consult with the team throughout the year. These include:

  • EHCP annual reviews
  • SEND Consultation evenings
  • The SEND desk at all Parents and Carer's evenings
  • Pupil Passport review meetings

Our SENDCo holds a weekly clinic on Wednesdays, where parents are able to book an appointment to meet and discuss any queries or concerns they might have.

An overview of the provision above is outlined below in our SEND Home-School Communication Calendar for 2023-24



What’s happening?

Autumn 2

w/c 11/09/23

ISP/ Pupil Passport review opportunity

Intervention Updates

Spring 1

w/b 8/01/24

Year 11 Parents and Carers evening

w/b 22/01/24

Year 12 Parents and Carers evening

w/b 05/02/24

Year 10 Parents and Carers evening

Spring 2

w/b 19/02/24

Year 9 Parents and Carers evening

w/b 04/03/24

w/b 11/3/24    

Year 7 Parents and Carers evening

Year 8 Parents and Carers evening

Summer 1

w/b 13/05/24

SEND consultation evening

Summer 2

w/b 03/06/24

KS3/KS4 ISP/Pupil Passport review


What is our plan for SEND provision at HASU?

For many students with SEND, their needs can be met within the classroom through high quality inclusive teaching (sometimes called ‘quality first teaching’) and appropriate differentiation by class teachers. For those that require additional support, specific therapies or Ta helping with workother kinds of specialist provision, the Academy provides a range of interventions and support mechanisms. Alongside this, we work closely with outside agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists where appropriate.

The core of our provision is underpinned by the best available evidence about what schools can do to provide an excellent education for students with SEND in a mainstream setting such as ours. The Education Endowment Foundation published their ‘SEN Needs in Mainstream Schools’ guidance report in 2020, the recommendations of which we have worked hard to embed in the way we do things at HASU.

EEF Recommendation

An overview of what we do in HASU

Create a positive and supportive environment for all pupils without exception

  • The academy maintains a fantastic, nurturing environment where lessons are rarely if ever disrupted by poor behaviour and where students can feel safe and comfortable in their learning.
  • A positive, proactive and warm-strict approach to behaviour is embedded in the school, and reasonable adjustments are made for students with SEND in line with advice from specialist staff.

Build an ongoing, holistic understanding of your pupils and their needs

  • All students with SEND’s needs are reviewed regularly, in correspondence with parents' and carers' input.
  • The SEND team continually gather information from staff which is used to review and update our understanding of students’ needs.
  • Teachers are provided with rich Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students with SEND, that support them in identifying the best possible teaching strategies that they can implement to support their students.
  • Teachers receive detailed, regular training on the needs of the students they teach, through a variety of mechanisms including in depth bi-weekly ‘team around the student’ meetings that focus on an individual student’s needs in depth.

Ensure all pupils have access to high quality teaching

  • The Academy prioritises ‘Inclusive Teaching’ in all that we do. This includes an explicit instruction centric approach, carefully designed and curated resources, scaffolding and modelling, and embedded cognitive strategies proven to support students’ learning.
  • All teachers receive extensive and regular training on great teaching, an in particular on making their teaching inclusive.
  • Inclusive teaching is specifically monitored by the Academy’s leaders as part of ongoing monitoring of teaching and learning.

Complement high quality teaching with carefully selected small-group and one-to-one interventions

  • A carefully selected range of small group and one-to-one interventions are in place.
  • Interventions increase with need, and are implemented in line with student’s EHCPs and the ongoing assessment of students’ needs.
  • Students are only withdrawn from any of their regular timetabled lessons as a last resort, and effective steps are taken to ensure that the curriculum remains as broad and balanced for these students as possible.

Work effectively with teaching assistants

  • The Academy’s Teaching Assistants (TAs) are trained carefully to deliver both high quality in-class support and excellent specialist interventions.
  • Specialist TAs are deployed with students with the greatest needs, and the quality of this provision in carefully monitored and reviewed by the SEND leadership team.
  • TAs are seen as valued, skilled practitioners in the classroom, and work collaboratively with teachers in pursuit of the best outcomes for all students.
  • TAs access a progamme of training underpinned by evidence including the EEF’s ‘Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants’ guidance report.


About Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

SEND needs are categorised into four broad areas:

  • Cognition and Learning - This includes specific learning difficulties.
  • Communication and Interaction - This includes speech, language and communication needs and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory & physical needs - this includes visual and hearing impairments, as well as mobility impairments.

SEND Areas of Need

The SEN Code of Practice (found here) outlines the statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.

The SEN Code of Practice key changes

The Code of Practice (2015) covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as those with SEN

  • There is a clearer focus on the participation of children and young people and parents in decision-making at individual and strategic levels
  • There is a stronger focus on high aspirations and on improving outcomes for children and young people
  • It includes guidance on the joint planning and commissioning of services to ensure close co-operation between education, health and social care
  • It includes guidance on publishing a Local Offer of support for children and young people with SEN or disabilities
  •  For children and young people with more complex needs a co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) replace statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs)
  • There is a greater focus on support that enables those with SEN to succeed in their education and make a successful transition to adulthood


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