Our Results
Results - Summer 2023
Following the release of the provisional progress scores for schools and academies around the country, we are delighted to announce that our headline figures are:
Progress 8: +1.10
Attainment 8: 60.5
EBacc Average Points Score: 5.57
This stands as testament to the hard work and commitment to learning on show from our brilliant first cohort of students, their families and our amazing staff.
We are especially proud of the +0.74 score for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research has shown that the challenges that students faced due to the pandemic were more likely to affect these students; to see our Pupil Premium students make far better progress than the national average bucks this trend completely!
These results place us as the 10th-highest truely non-selective comprehensive in the country. This is in relation to over 5000 schools.
Where localities have a high proportion of selective schools (grammar schools, faith schools etc., which is especially true in boroughs like Sutton), this score places us 1st among similar non-selective comprehensives.
A comprehensive breakdown of these results is avaialble via the Department for Education website:
A comparison of school progress and performance in the Borough of Sutton can be found here:
In additon to the above progress scores:
91% of students attained a grade 4 or higher in both English and mathematics
78% attained grade 5 or higher in both English and mathematics
These figures hugely exceed national picture both from last year and from 2019, the last year to sit public examinations prior to the pandemic.
The Academy would like to thank everyone for their support in helping our students achieve such wonderful progress.